Brown & Toland Physicians’ Employees Volunteer to Assemble 14,000 Meals

SAN FRANCISCO — Brown & Toland employees rolled up their sleeves this week to assemble at least 14,000 servings of lentil casserole for Meals On Wheels of San Francisco. Almost 100 employees formed assembly lines to fill bags containing the correct proportions of lentils, rice, dried vegetables and Himalayan salt, which Meals On Wheels will distribute to seniors and families during the Thanksgiving season.
Brown & Toland has a volunteer relationship with Meals on Wheels of San Francisco, and employees have shared their time and talents throughout the year to houseclean, deliver meals, troubleshoot technology issues and even wash a dog, in the homes of the organization’s clients.
But this time Meals On Wheels, together with the organization Feeding Children Everywhere, held the food packaging assembly line at the Brown & Toland corporate office.
Donning red hairnets and plastic gloves, and with Motown tunes in the background, employees quickly assembled the bags filling 40 boxes of food.
“The enthusiasm of this group was contagious,” said Nick Holst, regional manager for Feeding Children Everywhere. “At many organizations, departments work only with each other, but here the camaraderie was obvious—you could tell that people from various departments get along and were working together toward this common goal.”
Nicole Gerace of the Care Management department was elated to participate in this project.
“I donate money to organizations like Heifer International and Doctors Without Borders because I think it’s important to give back. But to do something like this, which was hands-on—something that was very real and not money going into the ether—was very cool,” Gerace said. “It was rewarding and very clearly of direct benefit to someone else. I’d like to do this more often.”
Contact Info:
Richard Angeloni
Director, Integrated Marketing and Communications
[email protected] / 415.972.4307